What is this place that I don't recognize? Is this the next phase in life?


Keyboard ⌨️

  • Move: WASD / ↑↓→←
  • Look: (Mouse)
  • Ascend / Descend: Space / Ctrl
  • Rotate: Q or E
  • Accelerate: Shift
  • Go Home: Tab
  • Ulysse: Enter

Controller 🎮

  • Move: Right Thumbstick
  • Look: Left Thumbstick
  • Ascend / Descend: A / B
  • Rotate: Right Shoulder or Left Shoulder
  • Accelerate: Right Trigger
  • Go Home: Y
  • Ulysse: X

About Acceptance

This experience was created using ray marching, a 3D rendering technique where, for each pixel on each frame, you repeatedly "march" a theoretical ray further and further from the player until you hit something (using math equations to check how far away all the 3D shapes are) or diverge off into infinity. By fooling around with how the ray marches or how these shapes are defined, you can create very interesting, artistic visuals.

I used this tutorial to learn the technique https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khblXafu7iA and borrowed definitions of some primitive shapes from Inigo Quilez.

Published 1 day ago


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SO COOL GAME but trippy lol